2008/10/28 Stan Schymanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Just to add another view, I can never remember all the different
> function names, so I find it very convenient to have namespace
> pollution as Martin Rubey calls it. If I look for a certain plot
> function, I would like to be able to type plot and then hit the tab
> button to see all the possible variations. Much better than having to
> remember that it was called parametric_plot. On the other hand, it
> would be a bit unfair to break people's previous code where they used
> parametric_plot because we decide to replace parametric_plot by
> plot_parametric. Backwards compatibility is a big issue in my opinion
> and I don't quite understand the problem about having different names
> for doing the same thing until we run out of letters to create new
> functions. :)

sage: [com for com in dir() if 'plot' in com]


John Cremona

> Stan
> On Oct 27, 9:02 pm, Martin Rubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well, the problem is namespace pollution.  Already now, if I hit tab after 
>> x, I
>> get roughly 100 possible completions.  In a strongly typed environment, this 
>> is
>> unnecessary.  I do not see any benefit in having more than onenameto do one
>> thing.  Of course, if the argument types are the same you will probably need 
>> to
>> have several functions.
>> Martin
> >

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