Dear Sage Team,

I know that one can doc test exceptions by
    sage: stupid_code()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: error message RTFM

My problem: The error message will not always be the same. It is an
error raised by the Singular interface, the error message will show
auto-generated variable names -- and the exact name will depend on
whether the test is "sage -t -long" or "sage -t -optional" or "sage -

How can I make the error message a black box? I tried
    sage: stupid_code()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: ...

It didn't work, it resulted in a doc test error.

The Traceback ends with
    TypeError: Singular error:
       ? `COHO3I` is undefined
       ? error occurred in STDIN line 66438: `def sage9606=COHO3I;`

where the names sage9606 and COHO3I are not always the same.

How should the doc test syntax be in that case?

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