> One of the issues right now is that sage's piecewise is a completely
> separate class then the rest of the calculus library. I think it
> should descend from symbolic expression and be on the same level as,
> e.g. sin and addition (and probably even have a pynac counterpart).
> Letting the operands be the conditions (as symbolic equations, giving
> much more flexibility then we now have) and the corresponding
> expressions (as symbolic equations) would allow it to fit into the
> symbolic ring nicely. This would have the advantage that one could
> leverage all the generic SR functionality like subs, pow,
> composition, etc. without having to re-implement it for every method
> that's missing.

Exactly. In fact, that is how Piecewise works in sympy. So I think
pynac has to know how to properly dispatch stuff like .subs(),
.series() and other things into the Piecewise class (after it is
integrated into the calculus). And I know it is possible to do that
with Cython. Btw, how about pattern matching? Will you extend the C++
code in ginac to handle Piecewise functions?

The other option is to reimplement the .subs(), .series() and pattern
matching in Python. Burcin, please don't take my comments as sarcastic
--- I am really interested how to handle this and how to cooperate as
much as possible. Also, how will you approach to fix the bug in pynac
series I reported here:


E.g. will you fix ginac, or rather reimplement it in Cython/Python?
You can actually still use Maxima for that, so that's not a problem in
fact. And later just reimplement it in Python/Cython.


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