On Dec 10, 7:12 am, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> William Stein wrote:
> > Note that you could also submit a patch to Sage with the code you're 
> > doctesting.
> > I did that with all the tests from both of the books I published, and
> > I encourage you and many others to do the same with the code from your
> > article.  The code would go in a file
> >     devel/sage/sage/tests/
> > like the file devel/sage/sage/tests/book_stein_modform.py
> > In fact, I could imagine having dozens of files in that directory, and
> > when doctests break there, we could notify the authors before
> > releasing the version of Sage that breaks their doctests for feedback
> > -- then they could update their papers or Sage.   Maybe this is how
> > the technical aspect of jsage should work:
> >    http://www.sagemath.org/library/jsage/index.html
> Also, such code could be loaded into a running Sage session easily,
> something like the contributions directory of maxima.  Personally, I
> would love if our special-purpose code (probably too specialized to be
> included in Sage) were accessible to anyone that had Sage.

IMHO there is very little code I would consider to specialized for
Sage, but that depends of you are a fan of the kitchen sink model or
not. I really dislike that concept of a contrib directory like in
Maxima, i.e. in Maxima that directory contains at least some code
duplication and generally not well integrated code, for example
various implementations of vectors that are incompatible and so on.
That code is also not well tested, i.e. there are various failures
depending on the lisp you pick to run the contrib code test suite on.

The ultimate goal should be to get code into Sage since there is
nearly always common code to factor out and getting more users for
some infrastructure bits in Sage has always improved that code. And if
you apply the same demands to the contributed code as to Sage library
code, i.e. 100% doctests and so on, you might as well get the code in
the library itself. Obviously some people will likely disagree with me
on the kitchen sink model :)

> Thanks,
> Jason


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