On Mar 8, 5:14 am, compound eye <compound...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello
> I expected the code below to plot a diagonal line from 0,0 to 2,2 then
> a horizontal line from 2,2
> but instead it plots a horizontal line starting at 0,2
> x = var('x')
> def splitTest(n):
>     if n < 2:
>         return n
>     else:
>         return 2
> plot(splitTest(x),0,4)
> splitTest(1) returns 1 as expected
> can anyone explain this to me?

This question comes up pretty frequently here.  I think the problem is
that when you say "plot(splitTest(x), 0, 4)", first splitTest(x) is
evaluated, which means that bool(x<2) is evaluated, and this returns
False (try it).  Thus splitTest(x) returns 2.

The difference with plot(splitTest, 0, 4) is that it passes the
*function* splitTest to plot, rather than the value (as best it can
determine) of splitTest(x) in what you were doing.

For your 4-variable case, try something like

def oneinput(x):
    return fourInputFunction(x, 1, 2, 3)

plot(oneinput, 0, 4)

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