On Mar 16, 1:52 pm, epple <dedaa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When comparing finite sets, I receive unexpected results.
> Version: 3.4 (Sage on the web)
> Code:
> sage: S=Set([1,2])
> sage: T=Set([3])
> sage: S<T,S>T,S==T
> (True, False, False)

As far as I can tell, for Sets, == and != mean what they should, while
< and > are not very helpful.  (I think that S<T is True if and only
if S is not equal to T, while S>T is always False.)

> The output seems to be the same whatever I put in for S and T, as long
> as I don't make them equal. Is there another easy way to compare two
> sets (or the underlying sets of two lists) without writing a routine
> for it?

Convert S and T to sets (instead of Sets):

sage: S.set().issubset(T.set())

or just use Python sets instead of Sage Sets:

sage: S = set([1,2,3])
sage: T = set([3])
sage: S.issubset(T)
sage: S.issuperset(T)
sage: T.issubset(S)

Is this the sort of thing you want?

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