On Apr 7, 5:30 pm, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Okay, thanks. I just tried this and it didn't seem to work for me.
> However, the length is now 104 instead of 96. The horizonal line
> across the bottom above the page number seems to be the same distance
> from the bottom edge of the paper. The top seems to be the same
> distance as well. (I assume running make in the
> .sage/doc/output/latex/en/tutorial
> directory is the correct way to compile it.) Maybe manual.cls is
> overriding the margin settings?

Maybe it did work. Note that my suggestion actually changes the *size*
of the paper, not the margins, so the distance from the line at the
bottom to the edge of the paper should be about the same, for example,
but each page should hold less.  Since the document got longer, maybe
this happened for you, too. If I view the pdf in Adobe's acroread on
my linux box and ask for the document's properties (from the file
menu), it tells me that the page size is 8x10. I thought that this was
what you wanted: a document formatted for 8x10 paper.


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