I am running Sage version 3.4.1 on a CentosOS5 Linux workstation. Sage
is compiled from source.
I am using the notebook interface through Firefox version 3.0.10 with
jsMath v3.6a.

In the notebook interface, when I evaluate the contents of a cell, the
proper output is 'sandwiched' between sets of strange characters.

I apologize for being ignorant as to what the characters are or
represent, but there are some square boxes containing '001B' and the
strings '[0m' and '[1;30m' repeated several times.

I have tried previous versions of both Sage (v3.3) and Firefox
(v3.0b5) and the problem is still there.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be happening and how to
fix the problem?

Thank you for any help you can offer.


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