William Stein пишет:
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Serge A. Salamanka <salsa-...@tut.by> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> To start with I'd like to describe my ideas about gridification of Sage.
>> This task is a very common one nowadays but it is a challenge for me.
>> The very first thing I'm asking myself is how to simplify this
>> gridification.
>> There are lots of tools that can be used at the moment and that is why
>> the biggest question comes in mind: which one to use ?
>> ... read further here:
>> http://sageworldmath.blogspot.com/2009/05/sage-for-scientific-grid.html
>> May be someone already has experience of enabling applications for Grid ?
> What are you trying to compute?
> William

I'm trying to provide my colleagues from HEP with an alternative, free
and sufficient computer algebra system that will also utilize Grid

They all use Mathematica. There is an interest in GridMathematica but it
is not available at all (due to its cost and very controlled distribution).
I used it a lot but when I have to build a knowledge base on that
expensive system, I always feel that some day it will be waisted at all.
So I'd rather be on the hard way rather then someday come to a dead end.

Computations can be of any sort...
... when you have > 3000 CPUs

# Serge

> > 

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