Ah... message is gone, so I write again. OTL...

I solve the Linear Algebra course problems on Sage.

Now I get the nullity of matrix to use nullity function, but it's

If I get the nullity of matrix A to use nullity function like that,


but the result of this is same as left nullity of A.

So rank + nullity is not columns of A.

According to the Rank-Nullity Theorem, rank A + nullity A = number of
columns of A.

It's weird.

So I read the source file.

On SAGEROOT/devel/sage/sage/matrix/matrix2.pyx line 1546, (ver 3.4.1)

nullity = left_nullity

and definition of left_nullity function's comments

# Use that rank + nullity = number of rows, since matrices act
# from the right on row vectors.

But left null space of A is same as null space of transpose A.


So I think it is wrong, I modified the code like that.

nullity = left_nullity


nullity = right_nullity

The result of this is here.

(It's my desktop computer, so it's slow.)

Nullity function's document is here.


It said this function return the left nullity of matrix.

Is it wrong, or right?


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- 몬테크리스토 백작

it is the infirmity of our nature always to believe ourselves much
more unhappy than those who groan by our sides!

- The Count of Monte Cristo

c'est un des orgueils de notre pauvre humanité, que chaque homme se
croie plus malheureux qu'un autre malheureux qui pleure et qui gémit à
côté de lui

- Le Comte de Monte-Cristo

박진영 - Bak Jin Yeong

학부재학생 - Undergraduate

컴퓨터공학전공 - Department of Computer Engineering

정보통신공학부 - School of Information & Communication Engineering

성균관대학교 - SungKyunKwan University

블로그 - http://nosyu.pe.kr

이메일 - don...@skku.edu
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