I am a bit annoyed by sage... I just want to print a function two
times and sage gives me an error... this is the first script
#!/usr/bin/env sage -python
import sys
from sage.all import *

import functions
from functions import *

grav_const = 4.3e-06
pi = 3.14159265358979323846
sat_mass = 200000.

print "Ok... dann legen wir mal los!\n"
print "step1: definition of the density profile"

r = 0.08

print rho(r),"\n"

print "step3: definition of the integrated mass"

print mass(r).n(),"\n"

print "step3: definition of the integrated mass"

print mass(r).n(),"\n"
the function definition is the following
import sys
from sage.all import *

def rho(r):
    return  1.32419e+08/(1.+(r/0.81))**3

def mass(r):
    pi = 3.14159265358979323846

    i_term = integral(x**2*rho(x), x, 0, r)

    return i_term*4.*pi;
so I just try to plot the mass two times... the error message of sage
is not very helpful (at least to me)
thanks for any help

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