On Jul 14, 1:52 pm, Carlos Córdoba <ccordob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for not answering before, I've being a bit busy. I'll try to give a
> concrete example of what I'm trying to do so you can understand me better.
> I have a list of real numbers, for example
> [1,2,3]

Python "list comprehensions" might be what you want -- see

> I want to multiply by 2 to get
> [2,4,6]

sage: x = [1,2,3]
sage: y = [2*a for a in x]

> the to sum it to 3
> [5,7,9]

sage: z = [b + 3 for b in y]

> then divide by the max number
> [5/9, 7/9, 1]

sage: w = [a/max(z) for a in z]

> then convert every point to a point in the circle with
> [[cos(5/9), sin(5/9)], [cos(7/9), sin(7/9)], [cos(1), sin(1)]]

sage: v = [[cos(a), sin(a)] for a in w]

Is that helpful at all?


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