Hi Simon,

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Simon King<simon.k...@nuigalway.ie> wrote:
> Hi!
> Currently I am puzzled by a bug, and so far my approaches to tackle it
> down failed. I guess I should use debugging tools such as gdb, but I
> did not find a tutorial or wiki page concerning "sage -gdb". For
> example: When I start "sage -gdb", how do I get the gdb prompt so that
> I can set break points?
> I do not expect that you can guess the source of the problem from the
> following description; but at least you may understand why I am
> puzzled.
> I have an instance of some Cython extension class, relying on C
> data.Given certain input data, some method results in a "glibc
> detected: invalid next size" in openSUSE 11.0, Intel Core Duo,
> respectively in a SIGBUS on sage.math (and after the SIGBUS I don't
> get a prompt from the system, so, I have to shut down ssh),
> respectively SIGSEGV on sage.math when running sage -gdb.

This is unrelated but: the version of GCC that is distributed with
openSUSE 11.0 is

$ gcc --version
gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.3.1 20080507 (prerelease) [gcc-4_3-branch revision 135036]
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

If you read carefully, it's a prerelease version of GCC, not a stable
release. If find this puzzling because openSUSE 11.0 (which is meant
to be a stable release of that distribution) is bundled with a
prerelease of GCC. This doesn't mean that one cannot compile Sage
using that distribution. I have successfully compiled Sage on that
version of openSUSE. But when I ran the Sage test suite, I received a
lot of failures.

> While debugging,  I saved "self", in order to have a more easily
> reproducible example. But after loading the saved data, there is no
> crash.
> Now comes the strange thing:
> I found out that the error also disappears if inside the function I
> insert in the right place the line
>  N = loads(dumps(self))
> So, self should not be changed by this line, but the error vanishes.
> dumps alone does not suffice.
> The method in question gets a list "el" as parameter.
> I get an iterator from it, and give a custom name to the "next()"
> method:
>   L = el.iter()
>   Lnext = L.next
> It turns out: Inserting "N=loads(dumps(self))" helps if inserted after
> the line Lnext = L.next, but it does not help when inserted before the
> line.
> But how can this line interfere with my data? "el" is simply a list of
> python ints! There is no instance of my extension class in it.
> This is what I can't understand.
> Any pointer to a tutorial on relevant debugging techniques is greatly
> appreciated!

This wiki page contains some pointers:


It might be outdated, though. Part of the release management process
is that a release manager needs to valgrind Sage late in the release
cycle. But I'm puzzled about which modules to valgrind. The Cythonized
modules, the Python modules, etc?

Minh Van Nguyen

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