On Aug 24, 9:57 am, Rafael Villarroel <rvf0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your answer!
> I have added
>     def is_free_face (self,s):
>         """
>         A free face is one that is contained properly in exactly one
>         maximal face.
>         Removing a free face from a complex does not change the
>         homotopy type of the complex.
>         """
>         def f(x): return set(s)<=set(x)
>         return not (Simplex(s) in self.facets()) and
> len(filter(f,self.facets()))==1
> to the end of
> ~/sage-4.0/devel/sage-main/build/sage/homology/simplicial_complex.py

Sorry, I didn't explain it well.  You should add it to


and then run "sage -b"; this will notice the change in the code and
incorporate it properly.  (The files in sage-main/build are produced
automatically when you run "sage -b".) Then you can run "sage" and use
the new code.

Another option is to work in a copy of the Sage code: type

sage -clone new    (or replace "new" by whatever you want)

This creates .../devel/sage-new/ as a copy of .../devel/sage-main.
Then you can edit files in sage-new/sage/homology, run "sage -b" to
build the new version, and run "sage" to use the new version.  If you
want to switch back to the original version, use "sage -b main".
("sage -b" means "build" the new version, but with an argument, it
also means "build" in the named "branch".)

Notice that .../devel/sage is a link to .../devel/sage-main (or to
sage-new, if you've done "sage -clone new").  Wherever .../devel/sage
links to is the currently used version.

Finally, "sage -br" does "sage -b" and then starts a Sage session, so
it's like doing "sage -b" followed by "sage".


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