On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> Harald Schilly wrote:
>> On Nov 23, 8:07 pm, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> are there any good, non-taken alternatives?
>> I don't know, but instead of more shortcuts, what about adding more
>> links like "evaluate" calling the appropriate js functions? for
>> inserting html text "insert text", joining cells "joining", "split"
>> for splitting, etc. This would make them more accessible to those who
>> don't know the shortcuts. mouseover textboxes might explain them
>> further including the shortcut keys.
> How about, instead of the blue bar that signifies "insert a new cell",
> we have a bar that is divided into sections:
> |---insert code---|----insert text-----|----join cells -----|
> with the actual text in a small enough fontsize that it doesn't change
> the height of the bar when it appears.
> I don't know a way to have a "split cells" link here.  That might
> deserve a menu option in a "Cell" menu or something.  Or we could have a
> small set of buttons that appears above the top right corner of a cell
> (like minimize/maximize buttons in windows or something) when the cell
> has focus.  Clicking the "split" button splits the cell at the current
> cursor position.  Something like:
>                                 |-split-|-delete-|
> --------------------------------------------------
> |   Cell contents                                |
> --------------------------------------------------

I have no idea if I would like this.   I might -- i would have to just
try.  I think I might like this layout better:

|---insert code---|----insert text-----|
|   Cell contents                                |


|   Cell contents                                |

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