The r is python's decorator code for a raw string:  see here


On Dec 24, 4:38 am, "Dr. David Kirkby" <>
> William Stein wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
> > <> wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >>> Thanks for all the security-related comments and suggestions.
> >>> Very helpful, and very appreciated.
> >>> Another question:
> >>> We'd like the "sage: notebook(address="",open_viewer=False, secure =
> >>> True) "
> >>> to be executed on boot-up so that it's "there" when anyone wants it.
> >>> Any suggestions on how?  /etc/init.d/{script}?
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> -Richard Vaughn
> >> I run my first 'public' server yesterday, so my experience is pretty 
> >> small, but
> >> I suspect something like a startup script with
> >> su - sage  /homes/sage/sage-4.2/sage -notebook address=''
> >> server_pool=['sa...@localhost']  ulimit='-v 500000' accounts=True
> >> should start the process as non-root. However, there are too many quotes 
> >> in that
> >> command -
> > Just make a script in /usr/local/bin/, e.g.,
> >   /usr/local/bin/start_sage_server
> > put something like this in it:
> >   /homes/sage/sage-4.2/sage -notebook address='' accounts=True
> > William
> I created a script like you said, though since it was for test, I stuck it in 
> /tmp.
> Anyway, here's my script.
> -bash-3.00$ cat /tmp/start_sage_server
> #!/bin/sh
> /homes/sage/sage-4.2/sage -notebook address='' server_pool=['sa...@localhost']
> ulimit='-v 500000' accounts=True
> Here is the output from Sage. Is this normal? They syntax is quite around the 
> :
> notebook(address=r'''''',server_pool=r'''[sa...@localhost]''',ulimit=r'''-v
> 500000''',accounts=True)
> is different to what I'd type to start the notebook at the sage: prompt. I 
> think
> you can see my concern about whether there are extra quotes here. Where does 
> the
> latter 'r' come from, after the address= and after the serverpool=?
> -bash-3.00$ /tmp/start_sage_server
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Sage Version 4.2.1, Release Date: 2009-11-14                       |
> |                                                                    |
> | Built on Solaris 10 03/2005 so will run on any Solaris 10 system   |
> | Note, at this point in time, Sage on Solaris is somewhat           |
> | experimental, having not had extensive testing.                    |
> |                                                                    |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please wait while the Sage Notebook server starts...
> ...
> notebook(address=r'''''',server_pool=r'''[sa...@localhost]''',ulimit=r'''-v
> 500000''',accounts=True)
> **********************************************************************
> WARNING: Running the notebook insecurely not on localhost is dangerous
> because its possible for people to sniff passwords and gain access to
> your account. Make sure you know what you are doing.
> **********************************************************************
> The notebook files are stored in: sage_notebook.sagenb
> **********************************************************************
> WARNING: Insecure notebook server listening on external address.
> Unless you are running this via ssh port forwarding, you are
> **crazy**!  You should run the notebook with the option secure=True.
> **********************************************************************
> **************************************************
> *                                                *
> * Open your web browser tohttp://localhost:8000*
> *                                                *
> **************************************************
> /homes/sage/sage-4.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Twisted-8.2.0-py2.6-solaris-2.10-sun4u.egg/twisted/internet/
> DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
>    import itertools, md5
> 2009-12-24 04:25:46+0000 [-] Log opened.
> 2009-12-24 04:25:46+0000 [-] twistd 8.2.0 
> (/homes/sage/sage-4.2/local/bin/python
> 2.6.2) starting up.
> 2009-12-24 04:25:46+0000 [-] reactor class:
> twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor.
> 2009-12-24 04:25:46+0000 [-] starting 
> on 8000
> 2009-12-24 04:25:46+0000 [-] Starting factory
> < instance at 0x38830d0>
> /homes/sage/sage-4.2/local/bin/sage-native-execute: xdg-open: not found

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