> How is it not user-friendly?  (I'm really curious).  Python has some
> very nice ways with dealing with zip files.  Here is some pages from a
> google search on python and zip:
> http://docs.python.org/library/zipfile.html
> http://effbot.org/librarybook/zipfile.htm
> Is there a better way, i.e. to tell
> > the notebook to use the local directory?
> This is telling a web browser to let javascript read and write to a
> local directory.  I think there are serious security concerns with a web
> browser being able to do that.  There are no ways right now of telling
> the notebook to use a local directory, if the server is remote.
> Thanks,
> Jason

Well I agree that I don't want just any web-app to have local access.
So I will simply put it down as being a bad idea.

Using a zip-file is still an option. I called it unfriendly as it
means that the user will have to use another program to prepare the
data first. It isn't a deal-breaker though.

I was mostly just wondering how other people deal with this situation
or perhaps it doesn't come up with most Sage users.

Thanks for the rapid response,

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