Hello !!!!

By the fundamental circuits, do you mean a base of the Cycle space ?
If so, I have to admit I do not know how to do it...

If you want to compute a shortest cycle in a graph, though, I do not
think the girth function can do it at the moment, but I agree it would
be useful to have for such functions an optional argument
"certifitate", giving along with a boolean answer a proof which in
this example would be a cycle.

If you only want to find a cycle in a graph when it is unique (a tree
+ an edge), you can also make use of the "cores" function :

sage: G = graphs.HeawoodGraph()
sage: mst = G.min_spanning_tree()
sage: TG = G.subgraph(edges=mst)
sage: e = G.edges()[-1]
sage: e in TG

sage: TG.add_edge(e)
sage: cycle = TG.subgraph([v for v,k in
TG.cores(with_labels=True).items() if k>=2])
sage: cycle.is_isomorphic(graphs.CycleGraph(cycle.order()))

I do not know how both methods compare algorithmically, though :-)

By the way, you may be interested in a patch from Alexandre Blondin
Massé that just got positively reviewed :


(he mentionned he may eventually write the same functions for undirected graphs)


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