Hi Dan and Georg

On 1 dub, 01:37, Dan Drake <dr...@kaist.edu> wrote:
> Ah, this is very nice. I was going to reply and say that rewriting
> \sageplot to parse things like \sageplot<-3>{...} would be very hard
> (for me, at least; I'm not much of a TeX guru) but now I can put a
> reference to this into the SageTeX manual.

I can help you to find the correct redefinition of sageplot command,
if you are interested. It should be also simple to do this
automatically by SageTeX whenever beamer class is used. But I think
that this is not a good method. WHY? If the slide contains 10 layers
and we put the graphics from the third layer, we have to generate the
graphics file 7 times! We end up with 7 identical pictures which slow
down the compilation by Sage and the resulting PDF file is too big.

The user should be encouraged to prepare pictures for PDF presentation
separately and use a convenient method to insert these pictures. For
example, there are methods which insert a picture in PDF file only
once, even if it is used on many places. But these topics are not
related to Sage and should be probably discussed somewhere on TeX


> Dan
> --
> ---  Dan Drake
> -----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
> -------
>  signature.asc
> < 1KZobrazitStáhnout

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