On Apr 19, 2010, at 2:50 PM, wb wrote:

coming from C I'm confused about this behavior in assignment:

Since you know C, it may make sense to think of lists as being similar to pointers.

1) using only integers ----------------------------------
sage: a=2
sage: b=2
sage: b=b+a
sage: b
sage: a

so (at least), after b=b+a, 'b' seems to have gotten its own instance,

2) using lists ----------------------------------------------------
sage: a=[1,2]
sage: b=a
sage: b[0]=b[0]+a[0]
sage: b
[2, 2]
sage: a
[2, 2]       <------- ?!?

(which results also if done directly in python). So, after
b[0]=b[0]+a[0], 'b' does not seem to get its own instance and 'a'
therefore also gets modified  ..!? ... which somehow seems
inconsistent with 1) and very strange anyway ...


3) -------------------------------------------------
sage: a=[1,2]
sage: b=a+[]           <------------ ! Trying to force (maybe?) an own
instance for 'b'
sage: b[0]=b[0]+a[0]
sage: b
[2, 2]
sage: a
[1, 2]  <------------ ok

in exmpl. 3) the list behaves similar to the integers in exmpl. 1).

Question: is the assignment b=a+[] the only way to achieve this ?


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