"Eigenvalues and vectors in radical format"
Hi all

I'm trying to compute eigenspaces of matrices with the possibility of radicals. I'm following the example of the thread
"Eigenvalues and vectors in radical format"

As explaned, I use SR as ring :
sage: M = matrix(SR,[[1,4],[4,2]])
sage: M.eigenvalues()
[-1/2*sqrt(65) + 3/2, 1/2*sqrt(65) + 3/2]
This is fine, but for the eigenvectors, I have a problem : both M.eigenvectors_left() and _right() give the error
sage: A.eigenvectors_left()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/moky/<ipython console> in <module>()

/home/moky/Sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/matrix/matrix2.so in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.eigenvectors_left (sage/matrix/matrix2.c:22459)()

/home/moky/Sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/matrix/matrix2.so in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.eigenspaces_left (sage/matrix/matrix2.c:21093)()

TypeError: degree() takes exactly one argument (0 given)

How do I have to compute eigenspaces of a matrix whose eigenvalues could have a radical form ?
Or, alternatively, how do I get the radical form of a in the following ?
sage: sageMatrix = matrix(QQ,[[1,4],[4,2]])
sage: eig=sageMatrix.eigenvalues()
sage: eig[0]
sage: a=eig[0]

My aim is to work on exercises of linear algebra for the first university year : the result will never contain more than one easy radical, so the length of the display will not be an issue.

Many thanks
Have a nice WE

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