Le 04/06/2010 11:17, John Cremona a écrit :
Brilliant suggestion.  I installed libncurses5-dev and then installing
lie worked.  (And then I found your message, afterwards).

Here is an awkward fact:  when I run our system-wide install (e.g. on
the server) the command optional_packages() fails since it is trying
to write a file into /usr/local/sage/sage-4.4.2/tmp/list which fails
as the permissions are wrong.  Is this a bug, as it appears (surely
users should be able to find out whether some optional package is
installed without needing to write any files!)?  Or something wrong in
our installation?


For system wide install you *must* do this as priviledged user (sudo or su depending on your system).
Otherwise you will not have write access to /usr/local


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