> m=[0.6158, 0.5893, 0.5682, 0.51510, 0.4980, 0.4750, 0.5791,
> 0.5570,0.5461, 0.4970, 0.4920, 0.4358, 0.422, 0.420]
> m.count

len(m) does the job, you should probably look into the tutorial at
http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial/ for this kind of questions...

m.count is a function returning the number of times some element
appears in the list, so [1,2,3,2,2,4].count(2) returns 3

> Another similar thing, i want to multiply the all the elements for
> 10^-6

if you want to apply a function to every element in a list, you can do
that by [ f(i) for i in your_list ].

e.g., [ 2*i for i in [1,2,3] ] returns 2,4,6

Best, Christian

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