Thanks so much for the quick help !!!
I am running sage on ubuntu,
First I downloaded the version from the package installer in ubuntu.
(Synaptic package manager, package sage)
and because I had troubles, i decided to download the lastes version
for ubuntu on the website of sage.
(but I am not so sure which of the two versions I am actually running
now, I guess the second one, if i did the install procedure correctly
[I copied the directory in /opt/ nad then made a symbolic link with
the ln command])

but still the same problem.
it appears to be version 3.0.5, see bellow also the test. (I can do
2+2, and start a maxima console  I can even plot a circle actually)

jul...@harvardo:~$ sage
| SAGE Version 3.0.5, Release Date: 2008-07-11                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: 2+2
sage: maxima_console()

Maxima 5.17.1
Using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.7 (aka GCL)
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.

On Aug 4, 1:31 pm, kcrisman <> wrote:
> Dear Julien,
> Thank you for trying Sage.  You appear to be using a rather old
> version, and it is usually very easy to download a newer one.  Can you
> give us some more specific information about what version it is, where
> you downloaded it, what OS you are on, and so forth?
> What seems to be happening is that there is a simplification called
> which has done something grotesque, giving an error that usually
> happens with unmatched parentheses and the like.  With more info, this
> might help us track down why this is happening to you.
> Also, if you can do
> sage: 2+2
> 4
> that is a good sign!  What happens if you do the following? (It should
> bring up a new subprogram, which you can quit with Ctrl+D.)
> sage: maxima_console()
> Thanks, and hope we can help you!
> - kcrisman
> On Aug 4, 12:31 pm, julien <> wrote:
> > Hello, I am completely new to Sage.. but I am so excited, it looks
> > like the ultimate tool !!!
> > Unfortunately, I have already big problems from the beginning...
> > I cannot just plot x^2 ....
> > here is the kind of error I get ....
> > any ideas ????
> > thnaks so much for your help !!
> > Julien

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