Hi Robin,

On 23 Aug., 13:43, robin hankin <hankin.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Re automatic_names(): why isn't this the default?
> Now I know it exists, I think I'll probably use it all the time.
> Who uses sage without this option?

I find automatic_names horrible, to say the least! In my opinion, such
thing should *never ever* be standard!

1. If you write a little program on the command line and it does
something, but simply it doesn't do the right thing or you get strange
error messages about missing attributes -- it would be very hard to
find out that you forgot to define some object X, so that Sage worked
in the wrong assumption that X is a symbolic variable. I strongly
prefer to get a clear error message, namely "NameError: Name 'X' is
not defined" or so.

2. "Explicit is better than implicit" is a quite common credo. I think
it is unsafe to rely on implicit assumptions of the type of an object.

3. I hardly ever work with symbolic variables. So, I really don't see
the point why "X" should default to a symbolic variable.

4. My impression is that for quite many people a symbolic variable is
the first thing that comes to mind when computing in a CAS - and it
takes them a long while until they find that for their particular
problem a different class (like a polynomial) works much better.
Making a symbolic variable the default, I am afraid that one would
support the wrong belief that symbolic variables are good for

So, it is not so much that programs would break. But debugging would
be more difficult, and it would teach the people the wrong lesson,
IMHO. And on the other hand, I can't see how life with Sage would be
any easier if automatic_names was the standard.


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