I observed that solve behaves inconsistently in the following regards:

sage: solve([x==1,x==-1],x)

(this is as expected)

solve([x==1,x==-1],x, solution_dict=True)

produces an error message. Easy to live with, but I was scared when I
first saw it :-).

It should be easy to correct, as the message reveals that the function
is trying to look at the 0-th
element of an empty list ...

relation.pyc in solve(f, *args, **kwds)
    672         sol_list = string_to_list_of_solutions(repr(s))
    673         if 'solution_dict' in kwds and
--> 674             if isinstance(sol_list[0], list):
    675                 sol_dict=[dict([[eq.left(),eq.right()] for eq
in solution])
    676                         for solution in sol_list]

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