Just tripped over the same issue. Seems to be a incompatibility with 
texlive2010. Can you file a trac ticket?

Somebody also wrote this on the matplotlib 
mailinglist: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.matplotlib.general/26110

Minimal testcase:

sage: from matplotlib.dviread import *
sage: PsfontsMap(find_tex_file('pdftex.map'))
AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/vbraun/Documents/24cell/<ipython console> in <module>()

in __init__(self, filename)
    666         file = open(filename, 'rt')
    667         try:
--> 668             self._parse(file)
    669         finally:
    670             file.close()

in _parse(self, file)
    699                 while pos < len(line) and line[pos] == ' ':
    700                     pos += 1
--> 701             self._register(words)
    703     def _register(self, words):

in _register(self, words)
    725                     encoding = word[1:]
    726                 elif word.endswith('.enc'):
--> 727                     assert encoding is None
    728                     encoding = word
    729                 else:


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