On Friday, July 15, 2011 7:59:33 PM UTC+2, pblelloch wrote:
> Unknown error creating VM (VERR_VMX_MSR_LOCKED_OR_DISABLED)
>> Is there anything in particular that I need to do to allow the virtual
>> box to run?  Is this the only way to run Sage on a Windows computer?
This means that you a) enabled hardware virtualization is VirtualBox but 
your computer doesn't have it (no cpu support or disabled in bios) or b) you 
are running a different virtual machine software in the background (vmware, 
kvm,... ). Only one hypervisor may be active at any time.

And I found VirtualBox to work better with <=2 cpus for the guest.

Basically, I suggest you first try the VM setting that the Sage Virtual 
Machine comes with before "tweaking" them.


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