
I am not able to understand why the following should not work (in notebook)

#################### cell 1 ##################

from sage.all import ode_solver, random

cdef class A:
    cdef double mu
    def __init__(self, double mu=1.):
        self.mu = mu

    def func(self, x):
        return self.mu*x[0], self.mu*x[1]

def func1():
    a = A()
    trajectory           = ode_solver()
    trajectory.algorithm = "rkf45"
    trajectory.function  = lambda t, y: a.func(y)
    trajectory.ode_solve(y_0=[random(), random()], t_span=[0,10],
    u1 = trajectory.interpolate_solution(0)
    return u1
############## end of cell 1 ###################

This compiles without any problem, but when I do -

#################### cell 2 ##################
u1 = func1()
plot(u1, (0,10))
############## end of cell 2 ###################

I get the following error -
TypeError: arg is not a Python function

If I define func1 outside the cython cell then everything works fine. This
is just a toy problem but captures the behavior I encountered. I hope
someone can explain.


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