On Sep 23, 7:06 pm, Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll look into lowering the processor requirements. Though SSE3 has been out
> for a looong time...
> You can rebuild Sage inside the virtual machine. Just interrupt the notebook
> server (Ctrl-C), go to the Sage directory, run "make distclean" and then
> "make". Let it run overnight ;-)

Thanks for the tip. On the very same laptop I have Debian installed
and Sage runs smooth. But I have always installed from source, so
never noticed any problems with distributed binaries.

Recompiling is not great for my purposes, because is no more vanilla
Sage. For sure I will not try that on the virtual machine. I will try
to compile inside a chrooted enviroment on the Debian OS.

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