On Oct 11, 4:16 am, CDSousa <cris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> x = var('x'); f = function('f',x) ; s = dumps(f) ; loads(s)
> I get a  "RuntimeError: unknown function 'f' in archive".

Excellent example. That's definitely a bug. You must be the first
person who tries to pickle a formal function (i.e., one without a
defining expression). You should file a bug report with exactly this
example in there.

Some technical information from
(indeed, pickle is not an opaque binary format when looked at with the
right tools. However, in this case it turns out it wraps another
format from Pynac which is probably also not opaque but needs an
expert to make sense of)

Things go wrong in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression , which
basically just wraps Pynac's GArchive. Apparently, this routine
handles free "variables" properly but not "free functions".

The bug will be immediately pushed upstream to Pynac developers, but
luckily those are actively involved in sage.

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