
I'm not sure what you mean by

> Also if I have the terms, and return on separate lines in the
> definition then I get this error.

You _have_ to have the different statements on separate lines, like I
did.  (Unless you use a semicolon to separate the statements, I
suppose.)  Did you combine them?  It looks like you did but it's hard
to be sure because sometimes carriage returns are lost during the
cut-and-paste process.

Paying attention to the syntax is even more important Python than in
many other languages because Python is whitespace-sensitive-- if you
don't use the right indentation, the code might not work.  I think it
might be useful to read through a Python tutorial if you're more
familiar with the syntax from other languages.  It won't take too long
but may clear up some of the confusion.

As for the NameError:

> Well I did use your method but I still get an error.

Actually, it doesn't look like you did use my code.  You modified the
last line to read "return term1 + term2 if t != 0 else infinity",
thereby introducing a variable t which you hadn't defined, which leads
to the NameError explaining -- reasonably enough -- that you're
referring to a name 't' which you didn't define.

Does that make sense?


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