On 26 Okt., 17:47, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Of possible relevance is that the machine that sagenb is running on is
> heavily loaded right now, due to me upgrading the system-wide Sage
> install on that machine, and building in parallel.

FWIW, slightly off-topic:

Setting MAKE to "make -jN" when (re-)building Sage doesn't limit the
*total* number of build jobs to N; it's usually better to also use '-
lM' [1], where M is a floating-point number, telling 'make' to not
spawn further jobs if the (total) system load exceeds M.  This is
especially useful if you already have other programs / processes
running which significantly consume CPU time and / or RAM, or
shouldn't suffer from too high load.

(RAM is certainly not an issue on mod, but If you choose N too large
without limiting the max. sysload, you may also quickly run out of
physical memory, such that the machine starts swapping, which of
course slows down the build process or may even "freeze" your machine
[at least for a while].)

[I'm not sure whether that's mentioned anywhere in the Sage
documentation, but rather doubt it is.]


[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Options-Summary

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