You're implying that 4.7.1 or 4.7.2 fix this issue in some way?  I
don't see anything in the release notes which would cause me to
suspect that.


On Nov 12, 6:52 pm, kcrisman <> wrote:
> On Nov 12, 6:43 pm, "Justin C. Walker" <> wrote:
> > On Nov 11, 2011, at 13:27 , Bill Janssen wrote:
> > > I've downloaded and installed sage on my OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Mac Pro.
> > > I'm trying to do some image processing, but things seem a bit bollixed
> > > up.  It seems to me that if you're going to depend on a library that's
> > > installed in some non-standard place (I have no idea what would
> > > create /opt/local/lib) you should instead package it with and in the
> > > Sage tree.
> > It sounds like you installed a binary release, rather than built Sage from 
> > source.  True?  If so, it appears that whoever built the binary did so 
> > without modifying his PATH to exclude the MacPorts stuff.
> Aha!  See the title of the thread - Sage 4.7!  Not 4.7.1 or 4.7.2.
> So you got your binary from whoever provided the 4.7 Intel binaries
> (e.g., at, which
> must have done that.  Apparently we don't have any more recent 10.5 or
> 10.4 Intel binaries.
> So here is the way you can fix the binary, at least in principle.
> 1. Download the Sage source for 4.7.2
> 2. Build Sage from source (you'll probably have to move /sw, maybe
> not /opt)
> 3. Run "sage -bdist 4.7.2-OSX-32bit-10.5" or something like that
> 3.5 (optional) Run "export SAGE_APP_BUNDLE=yes" and then repeat
> 4. Let the webmaster for know you have a binary or two
> for him to upload
> 5. Congratulate yourself on becoming an official contributor to Sage!
> If I said something wrong, I'm sure someone will correct this
> momentarily.  But if you are persistent enough to do what you just did
> to solve your problem, this will be a snap.
> - kcrisman

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