
Many thanks! You're awesome! I looked at the patch, it looks tiny. :)
I'll try to test it asap. Having some patch application issues. :-|
Just in case you're familiar with this, I'll throw it out there. But
this is probably a job for google:

cd "/Applications/sage/devel/sage" && hg import   "/Users/jberwald/src/
applying /Users/jberwald/src/trac_12235.patch
patching file sage/graphs/base/c_graph.pyx
Hunk #1 FAILED at 2977
1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/graphs/base/
patching file sage/graphs/
Hunk #1 FAILED at 2561
1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/graphs/
abort: patch failed to apply


On Dec 29, 10:48 am, Nathann Cohen <> wrote:
> Helloooooooooooooooo !!!
> and still much faster than the c_graph implementation.
> Well... I spent *quite* some time over this problem, wrote a LOT of code
> and documentation , to find out later that this could be solved in a *very
> small* patch. I hope all the work I did could be used later on anyway, but
> for the moment there should be no further worries about this SCC method. I
> created a patch for this just there [1], which you will find with some
> benchmarks.
> As a side note, I've also been
> > testing subgraph functionality. Eg.,
> >  self.M.subgraph(self.rand_verts(K)), which maybe has a better
> > implementation using subgraph_search() ??
> Nonononono ! This subgraph method has nothing to do with subgraph_search !
> The subgraph method takes as an argument a set of vertices and returns the
> graph induced by those vertices. The subgraph_search (and all the
> subgraph_search_* method) take as an argument *another graph*, and look for
> copies of this other graph inside of the first one. Which is dead harder :-D
> > Anyways, I greatly appreciate your help with this. It would be great
> > to be able to use Sage/Python to run all of our code.
> Please complain whenever you have the slightest thought that Sage may not
> be the best graph library in the world :-p
> Have fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun ! :-p
> Nathann

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