2012/1/16 Santanu Sarkar <sarkar.santanu....@gmail.com>

> Is there any function in Sage by which I can get the
> number of prime factors,  number of factors of a
> positive ineger?
> If I understand you correctly:

sage: factor(372)
2^2 * 3 * 31

One can get the number of factors by using 'len' on the result of this or
in tuples form by using 'list':

sage: len(factor(372))
sage: list(factor(372))
[(2, 2), (3, 1), (31, 1)]

Renan Birck Pinheiro, Grupo de MicroeletrĂ´nica
<http://www.ufsm.br/gmicro>, Engenharia
Elétrica <http://www.ufsm.br/cee>, UFSM <http://www.ufsm.br> - Santa Maria,

http://renanbirck.blogspot.com / skype: renan.ee.ufsm

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