Hello experts,

Running sage version 4.8 on Mac OS X 10.6.8.
I am attempting to cython-ize a sage script that applies numpy, but I can't get 
cython to compile numpy.vectorize — the error message is

ValueError: failed to determine the number of arguments for <built-in function 

Is this a bug in cython, or am I mis-applying numpy and cython?

The test script (test.spyx) that produces this error is

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
gamma = 1.4
def pressure(rho, u, v, rho_E): return (gamma - 1) * (rho_E - rho * (u * u + v 
* v) / 2.)
vpressure = np.vectorize(pressure, otypes = [np.float], \
     doc = "Vectorized pressure(rho, u, v, rho*E)")

and the full error traceback when I invoke sage: load("test.spyx") is:

Compiling /Users/jim/Documents/Fluid_Mechanics/AA543_HW5/test.spyx...
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/jim/<ipython console> in <module>()

 in sage.structure.sage_object.load (sage/structure/sage_object.c:7715)()

/Applications/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/misc/preparser.pyc in 
load(filename, globals, attach)
   1648     elif fpath.endswith('.spyx') or fpath.endswith('.pyx'):
   1649         import interpreter
-> 1650         exec(interpreter.load_cython(fpath), globals)
   1651     elif fpath.endswith('.m'):
   1652         # Assume magma for now, though maybe .m is used by maple and

/Users/jim/<string> in <module>()

/Users/jim/_Users_jim_Documents_Fluid_Mechanics_AA543_HW5_test_spyx_1.pyx in 
init _Users_jim_Documents_Fluid_Mechanics_AA543_HW5_test_spyx_1 
      7 cimport numpy as np
      8 gamma = 1.4
      9 def pressure(rho, u, v, rho_E): return (gamma - 1) * (rho_E - rho * (u 
* u + v * v) / 2.)
---> 10 vpressure = np.vectorize(pressure, otypes = [np.float], \
     11      doc = "Vectorized pressure(rho, u, v, rho*E)")

 in __init__(self, pyfunc, otypes, doc)
   1767         self.thefunc = pyfunc
   1768         self.ufunc = None
-> 1769         nin, ndefault = _get_nargs(pyfunc)
   1770         if nin == 0 and ndefault == 0:
   1771             self.nin = None

 in _get_nargs(obj)
   1700     raise ValueError(
-> 1701             "failed to determine the number of arguments for %s" % 

ValueError: failed to determine the number of arguments for <built-in function 

Thank you,
Jim Clark

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