Thanks for the replies!

Over other fields it's no good just extending by a root of the n'th 
> cyclotomic polynomial, since that need not be irreducible!  The example you 
> gave was particularly unfortunate since over GF(5) the 5th cyclotomic poly 
> has only 1 root with multiplicity 4.  So it's quite right to say that the 
> resulting algebra is not a field.  (The question about Sage not being able 
> to tell that the result is finite is unfortunate, and should be logged as a 
> feature to be implemented., but is not particularly relevant to the current 
> discussion).
I clearly shouldn't post these things late at night! In the context that I 
am working with a "primitive pth root of unity in characteristic p" is an 
important special case, but this corresponds to xi=1 so I can simply work 
with  GF(p). 

For fields of characteristic p>0, I need to work in GF(p^a) for some a so I 
guess that my question really is: does anyone know how to construct the 
smallest extension of GF(p) which contains a primitive eth root of unity 
when gcd(e,p)=1?


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