On Friday, 13 April 2012 21:59:55 UTC+8, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Hello everybody !!!
> I would like to solve a set of equations with a very easy shape. My
> equations are defined on variables p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, ..., and I
> would like to obtain values for them satisfying constraints like :
> |p1 - p2| < 1, i.e.  (p1_x - p2_x)^2 + (p1_y - p2_y)^2 < 1
> or something similar with a > instead of <. I do not really mind
> whether the inequalities are strict or not, as I feel free to replace
> < 1 by <= 0.9.

Do you mean to say that you have complex numbers p_j and your inequalities 
are of the form
|p_j-p_k|<=C and |p_j-p_k|>=D, and that you also have
some equations on Re(p_j) and Im(p_j) ?

(as the subject talks about inequalities, but here you talk about 
equations, I assume you can have both, no?)


> Would you know of any way to solve this type of equations, or to
> ensure that no solution exists ?
> Thank youuuuuuuu ! :-)
> Nathann

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