I have a issue with setting up a dictionary to produce all the bases.

Here is the code:

 n = range(37)[2:37]

D = [[(Integer(j).str(base = n[i]),j) for j in range(len(n)+1)] for i in 


[[('0', 0), ('1', 1),...,('100010', 34), ('100011', 35)] , [('0', 0), ('1', 
1), ('2', 2),...,('1021', 34), ('1022', 35)] , ...

when I want it to output as this:

[[('0', 0) , ('1', 1)], [('0', 0) , ('1', 1) , ('2', 2)], [('0', 0) , ('1', 
1) , ('2', 2) , ('3', 3)],...]

I was thinking that I need to add in len(n[i])+1 for the j term in the for 
loop instead of len(n)+1. Here is the error I get when I tried it out.


TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/nooniensoong97/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len() 

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