Hellooooooo !!

> Why don't you build from source????

Yeahyeah, I ended up doing just that but it was not my computer... Jo
(in Cc) is trying to use Sage for teaching in high school, and he
spent hours trying to get Sage to run without success. Turns out it
was because Wubi (a windows software that installs Ubuntu for you)
installed fancy 64bits versions of Ubuntu without warning. I just got
back from his place where we struggled for a couple of hours just to
figure this out.

Well. In the end he either needs to reinstall Ubuntu 12 in 32bits or
compile from source, but he mostly wanted to "test things" on his own
computer before installing Sage at work and I guess we more or less
failed to convince him that Sage could be installed in 10 seconds :-)


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