Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!

> Don't know if this is a bug, but sage numerically disagrees with
> a paper about strong product of graphs.

I would trust Sage in that case :-D

> I implemented |strong_product| and don't get the same products as sage
> (C_4 bound passed, the Kneser one didn't pass with my code).
> What is the drama?
> (Didn't audit sage's strong_product).

Well, did you try Sage's strong_product method, or did you write your own ?

Anyway, Sage can compute chromatic numbers in many different ways (see
g.chromatic_number? ). I would say that if they all answer the same
result then the problem lies in the product, otherwise it (obviously)
lies in the coloring functions :-)

Good luck !


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