Ahahahahah :-)

Beautiful problem ! Not really a graph problem, but a beautiful problem.

What do you think of this ?


Does it sound familiar ? But then it only works for cards with 3 pictures 
on it. The trouble is that what you are looking for is not exactly 
straightforward to produce...


You will find some solutions there :


You are interested in the following values :
t = 2 (because you have a condition on PAIRS of elements)
L = 1 (because only ONE card must contain both symbols at the same time)
v (the total number of elements)
k (the number of elemens on each card)

By the way, Sage's documentation points toward this file, which may 
interest you :  http://www.utu.fi/~honkala/designs.ps


Oh, and having more of this kind of stuff inside of Sage would be really, 
really, REALLY great :-)

Have fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun !


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