Hi Michael,

On 2013-01-14, Michael Beeson <profbee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ------=_Part_111_11990633.1358202706289
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> sage:  K.<p,d,e,N> = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ,4,'pdeN'))
> sage: R.<x> = K[]
> sage: a = x^3-x^-3
> sage: b = x^5-x^-5
> sage: c = x^8-x^-8

Are you aware that a, b, c do *not* live in R?
  sage: a.parent() is R

In fact, your computations take place in a very complicated ring, namely
in the fraction field of a polynomial ring in x with coefficients in the
fraction field of a polynomial ring with variables p,d,e,N.

If you want to invert x anyway, then it would probably make sense to
simply work in the fraction field of the polynomial ring with variables
x,p,d,e,N. Or do you have a particular reason not to work there?

> sage: X = p*a + d*b + e*c
> sage: f = x^16 *(X^2- N*b*c)
> and Sage does not answer. It just hangs...

I can confirm that it hangs (or at least takes long time, after all this
complicated ring has no efficient implementation), but...

> ... and I have to kill the session.

... I can simply interrupt with Ctrl-c, without killing the session (at
least when I use a debug version of sage-5.6.beta1).

Here is what happens if you work in a simpler (better implemented) ring:
  sage: K2.<x,p,d,e,N> = QQ[]
  sage: a = x^3-x^-3
  sage: b = x^5-x^-5
  sage: c = x^8-x^-8
  sage: X = p*a + d*b + e*c

Sage automatically creates the fraction field of K2 when you invert x:
  sage: X.parent()
  Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, p, d, e, N over
  Rational Field

And then
  sage: f = x^16 *(X^2- N*b*c)
  sage: f
  x^32*e^2 + 2*x^29*d*e - x^29*N + 2*x^27*p*e + x^26*d^2 + 2*x^24*p*d +
  x^22*p^2 - 2*x^21*p*e - 2*x^19*d*e - 2*x^18*p*d + x^19*N - 2*x^16*p^2
  - 2*x^16*d^2 - 2*x^16*e^2 - 2*x^14*p*d - 2*x^13*d*e + x^13*N -
    2*x^11*p*e + x^10*p^2 + 2*x^8*p*d + x^6*d^2 + 2*x^5*p*e + 2*x^3*d*e
    - x^3*N + e^2
works immediately.

> If it would answer I would like to continue with 
> F = R(f)
> psi = cyclotomic_polynomial(30)
> g = F.quo_rem(psi)[1]
> g

Let's try something similar. As you can see, all exponents are positive,
and thus we can map the element into K2:
  sage: F = K2(f)
  sage: psi = cyclotomic_polynomial(30)
  sage: g = F.quo_rem(psi)[1]
  sage: g
  -x^7*p^2 - 6*x^7*p*d - 2*x^7*p*e - 4*x^6*p*d - 2*x^6*d*e + x^5*p^2 +
  2*x^5*p*d + 2*x^5*p*e - 2*x^5*d*e + x^6*N + 4*x^4*p*d + 2*x^4*d*e +
  x^5*N + 8*x^3*p*d + 4*x^3*d*e - x^4*N + 4*x^2*p*d + 2*x^2*p*e +
  2*x^2*d*e + x^2*e^2 - 2*x^3*N + 2*x*p^2 - 2*x*p*d + 3*x*d^2 + 2*x*p*e
  + 2*x*d*e + 2*x*e^2 - x^2*N - p^2 - 6*p*d + e^2 - x*N

Does that work as you wanted it to be?

Best regards,

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