On 2013-3-06 17:51, Asad Akhlaq wrote:
Thanks for your reply. One more question please. In the original
simplex I have 9 vertices and each vertex is connected to 8 others.
In the new polytope, after cut by hyperplane, I have 5 vertices from
the original simplex (that are connected to each other) plus 16 new
vertices. Now how can I know if I have a one-to-one connection among
all the  21 vertices in the new polytope? Is there any procedure to
investigate that whether there is a connection among vertices?

The easiest way is probably a convex hull algorithm (as you suggested
before), assuming that it provides all the elements (edges etc.) and not only the bounding hyperplanes (which you already have!).

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

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