I get "normal" error detection.

In a worksheet (in 'r' mode) :

bar<-function(x) {

gives :

Erreur : ')' inattendu(e) in:
"bar<-function(x) {
Erreur : objet 'y' introuvable
Erreur : '}' inattendu(e) in "}"

In a terminal :

charpent@asus16-ec:~$ sage -R

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[Sauvegarde de la session précédente restaurée]

> bar<-function (x) {
+ y<-x+3)
Erreur : ')' inattendu(e) in:
"bar<-function (x) {

As William said, an example is necessary...

Emmanuel Charpentier
Le vendredi 21 février 2014 17:18:59 UTC+1, Fred Gruber a écrit :
> Hi
> I have noticed that when I'm in R mode and when define R functions 
> sometimes sage doesn't display errors if there are any. It just doesn't 
> define the function.
> Has anyone else noticed this? Is there anything I can do to get sage to 
> display the errors. It is hard to debug code when sage doesn't tell you 
> where is the problem.
> thanks
> F

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