On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 4:43 PM, Phoenix <anirbit.mukher...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The time trouble starts at the point in the code where it doesn't matter
> where the permutation matrices comes from.
> What the main part does is basically this.
> Given any set of matrices of dimensional k it produces by the "product" and
> "zip" command all possible ways of distributing those matrices over the set
> of edges of the graph of size n .
> One fixes some arbitrary orientation for each of the edges. It doesn't
> matter what.
> Now it creates a matrix M of size kn as a n x n array of size k matrices as
> follows : for the (a,b) edge is in the oriented edge list it (1) places into
> the (a,b) array position the matrix that was assigned to that edge and (2)
> it places into the (b,a) position the inverse of that matrix.  Now it
> calculates the characteristic polynomial of this M and keeps adding it up
> over all possible ways of distributing the matrices over the edges.

I ran the block below and it ran without error until I killed it (note
the additional print statement at the end) To me this suggests there
is no problem with your code. There might be a problem managing a
large list. If that is the case, you'll need to think more about other
ways to do the computation.

To the OP: if you had simply supplied the block below initially, as
William Stein suggested, you would have saved both your time and ours.

q=2; n=4

g = graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(n, n)

Edge = []
for (a,b,c) in g.edges ():
    Edge.append ( (a,b) )

#This is how "rep" is created,

Fq2 = []
for i in range (q):
    for j in range (q):
      Fq2.append (matrix([[i],[j]]))

SL2Fq = []
for i1 in range (q):
    for i2 in range (q):
       for i3 in range(q):
         for i4 in range (q):
                if (i4*i1-i2*i3)% q == 1 :
                    SL2Fq.append ( matrix( [ [i1, i2],[i3,i4] ] ) )

rep = []
for Y in SL2Fq:
    M = []
    for A in Fq2:
        B = (Y*A)%q
        row = []
        for C in Fq2:
            if B == C:
                row.append ([1])
                row.append ([0])
    rep.append (matrix(M).transpose())

P = 0
from itertools import product
from itertools import izip

for X in product(rep,repeat = len (Edge)):
    k = izip(Edge,X)
    M = [[matrix(q^2, q^2, 0)]*(2*n) for ell in range(2*n)]
    for ((a,b),Y) in k:
      M [a][b] = Y
      M [b][a] = Y.inverse()
    Z = block_matrix(M)
    P = P + Z.charpoly(x)
    print P

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