On Monday, 26 October 2015 06:13:08 UTC-6, Benedikt Magnússon wrote:
> Hi
> I wish to be able to plot in Octave/R inside a sagecell.
> and in Octave you only get a Ascii plot
> https://sagecell.sagemath.org/?z=eJwryMkv0Yg21DGM1QQAFu8DVw==&lang=octave

I have to say that R documentation is more pleasant/clear than 

My understanding is that (unlike for R) we do not try to do anything for 
Octave plotting, so everything is "default". Plotting commands in Octave 
use either gnuplot or OpenGL, but it seems that in our setup only gnuplot 
is available. How extractly it is used I don't know, but my guess is that 
Octave creates some input file and then passes it to "gnuplot" and you have 
an option to change the name of the called binary and supply some options 
to it. For whatever reason, default options result in just ASCII plot in 
SageMathCell and SageNB. When I try to add explicit commands for saving in 
a particular format I am just getting the same ASCII plot one more time and 
some warnings. Starting Octave from a local terminal allows me to open 
plots in a new window, while saving files works but still shows warning 
about missing things. It would be nice if someone who knows Octave and 
gnuplot figured out what do we need to do to get some plots and no warnings 
- I am stopping for now.


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