leif wrote:
> Fabio Di Cosmo wrote:
>> IPython post-mortem report
>> {'commit_hash': u'b630b41',
>>   'commit_source': 'installation',
>>   'default_encoding': 'UTF-8',
>>   'ipython_path':
>> '/usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython',
>>   'ipython_version': '4.2.1',
>>   'os_name': 'posix',
>>   'platform': 'Linux-4.4.0-36-generic-x86_64-with-debian-stretch-sid',
>> 'sys_executable': '/usr/lib/sagemath/local/bin/python',
>>   'sys_platform': 'linux2',
>>   'sys_version': '2.7.10 (default, Aug  6 2016, 15:34:26) \n[GCC 4.8.4]'}
>> ***************************************************************************
>> <SNIP>
>>      107 # This must come before Calculus -- it initializes the Pynac
>> library.
>> --> 108 import sage.symbolic.pynac
>>          global sage.symbolic.pynac = undefined
>> ImportError:
>> /usr/lib/sagemath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/pynac.so:
>> undefined symbol:
>> _ZN5GiNaC8constantC1ENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEPFNS_2exEjP7_objectERKS6_j
>> ***************************************************************************
> GiNaC::constant::constant(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, GiNaC::ex (*)(unsigned
> int, _object*), std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
> std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned int)
> Looks like you downloaded the wrong binary for your distro; your
> standard C++ library apparently doesn't have a dual ABI.

... or the latter rather the other way around:

It seems your Sage was originally built with / for an older Debian
version (presumably Wheezy / 7.x, with GCC 4.8), while (parts of) the
Sage library now got rebuilt with a newer compiler version, GCC 5.x or
6.x, which by default use a different C++ ABI than earlier versions,
such that some of the rebuilt parts are now incompatible to those built
with the older compiler.

So you'd either have to download the appropriate binary distribution of
Sage for your system/distro, or rebuild Sage with the native compiler.

It *might* be sufficient to just run

./sage -f pynac && make

but you may run into further similar errors later as well.


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