Hi Nitin,

On 2016-12-06, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> code's) length, but while finding parity check matrix of this linear
>> code(using command H=C.check_mat()), I am not getting the output or
>> sometimes I get the output as string index out of range...

Now that's strange. If your matrices are large than you may see
something like this:
  sage: random_matrix(ZZ,1000,1000)
  1000 x 1000 dense matrix over Integer Ring (use the '.str()' method to
  see the entries)

So, the matrix wouldn't be directly shown but it would tell you how you
can *see* the entries. Of course, seeing the entries is not the same as
accessing them. This could be done (if M is your matrix) by M[10,12] for
a single entry, or M[10:20,50:60] for a 10 by 10 submatrix, or by
M.list() to get a flat list of all entries of the matrix, or by M[121]
for a single row (as a vector).

And certainly you will never get the *output* as string index out of
range. You may of course get an IndexError when accessing an element out
of range:
  sage: random_matrix(ZZ,1000,1000)[1000,1000]
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  IndexError: matrix index out of range

>> Does it mean that
>> size of matrix which is 29x35 is too large for sage to show its output.

It is large enough that most people do not want to see the full output
by default. That's why there is the possibility to do
  sage: print M.str()
to show the output for those who really want to see it. And there are
all the above mentioned ways to actually access the content (rather than
just seeing it).

Best regards,

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